Allen Eneboe
“From the time I was a little kid, I was always interested in history, specifically the Civil War and the Old West (probably had a lot to do with all the TV westerns that were on back then). This interest evolved into 20th century American history with WW I and WW II. By the time I was 12 my interest went from bicycles to wanting an antique car. This continued to grow with my love of vintage cars, vintage toys and post WW II American culture. Today, my interest in cars is as strong as ever currently owning a 1940 Ford convertible and a 1949 Ford club coupe, both resto rods. My garage and den are full of automotive related collectables. I grew up on the family farm in South Dakota and lived in South Dakota for 30 years. Spent my early career in sales before going into the accounting field. In 1986 I made a career decision to move to Arizona (which turned out to be one of the smartest thing I ever did as well as meeting my wife Brenda). Spent most of my career working for the City of Phoenix in the areas of accounting and budget analysis. I continue to go back to South Dakota on vacation. Always a joy to go back because it is a great place with great people. My 3 kids and 3 grandkids all live in the Valley so we get together a lot. My main interest the last two year has been going to estate sales. Feeling I still had too much free time I decided to go back to work part time this time focusing on my main interest of antiques and collectibles.” To reach Allen, email him at: